This page describes suggested way to login to CRS system and expected usage patterns of access and refresh tokens.
Most of API methods require authorization. Server expects to receive Authorization
header value inside HTTP request. As header value client should provide access token acquired before that moment by any of login methods.
First login
There are several ways to login, most common one is Login
method, accessible by path api/security/authentication/login
. It accepts 3 parameters:
{ "TenantDomainName": "<tenant>", "UserNameOrEmail": "<user name or email>", "Password": "<password>" }
If request passes the validation server will return following response:
{ "modelType": "Response<LoginResult>", "errorOrValue": { "value": { "resultCode": 1, "token": "<access token>", "tokenId": "<access token id>", "expiresIn": "2021-11-02T13:53:53.000+03:00", "userInfo": { "id": <user id>, "displayName": "<user display name>", "tenantName": "<tenant>" }, "refreshTokenInfo": { "tokenId": "<refresh token id>", "token": "<refresh token>", "expiresIn": "2021-11-02T13:53:53.558+03:00" } }, "error": null } }
Server returns access and refresh tokens. Both tokens have expiration time and should not be used after that.
Access token intended to be saved and used within subsequent calls to server. It is not recommended to login before each call to server.
Common antipattern is to make a login call before each call to server. This results in a lot of refresh tokens being active for prolonged period of time which is potential security hazard. Moreover, login operation is time consuming by design, so by logging in before every call you decrease the performance of your system.
Save both access and refresh tokens and provide access token value in Authorization header. When it expires, use <> call to acquire new access token using stored refresh token (explained in more details below)
Refresh token
To continue being able to call server after access token expiration client should call LoginWithRefreshToken
method accessible by path api/security/authentication/loginWithRefreshToken
. Method does not require authorization header, therefore it can be used after access token expiration time (but before refresh token expiration). It accepts following parameters:
{ "TenantDomainName": "<tenant>", "RefreshToken": "<refresh token>", "IssueRefreshToken": "true" }
If IssueRefreshToken
is true, server will return new refresh token with new expiration time. Old used refresh token will be invalidated.